Terms and conditions

  • You agree to raise the minimum sponsorship (excluding Gift Aid) in aid of Winston’s Wish.
  • The sponsorship money is payable no later than 4 weeks after the event.
  • You must send in a non-refundable registration fee to the charity (amount varies depending on event).
  • If you are unable to participate in the event for any reason, all sponsorship monies collected must be forwarded to Winston’s Wish immediately.
  • Winston’s Wish reserves the right to refuse an application form at its discretion.
  • By signing up to a Winston’s Wish guaranteed place you are consenting to the charity using any images and videos of you for promotional use. If you are unhappy with this arrangement, please contact Winston’s Wish.
  • All costs for the race day are your responsibility.
  • Participation in this event is entirely at your own risk. Winston’s Wish and their employees or agents cannot be responsible for loss or damage to personal effects, accidents, injury or death.

Please check the individual event organiser’s websites for event-specific terms and conditions.